Hammelmann Pumps. Ventas, Soporte técnico y centro de servicio certificado en México.
Somos los únicos representantes y distribuidores certificados de la marca Hammelmann Pumps en México con ingenieros calificados, centro de servicio de reparación y reconstrucción y stock de bombas y partes genuinas en México
Servicio de diagnostico y reconstrucción de bombas para refrigerante y fluidos de corte para la industria de manufactura.
Hammelmann high pressure pumps are built to operate at the continuous maximum duty stated in the performance parameters. Operating pressure and flow rate determine the power and pump selection. We can offer a large number of combinations to meet specific requirements.
Diesel drive
Electrically driven
Pumps for cutting applications
Hot wáter unit
Offshore operation
Shipboard operation
Washing and de-burring
Deep mining industry
Basic accessories
Surface blasting
Tube bundle cleaning
Pipe & sewer cleaning
Tank cleaning
Abrasive cutting
Water hydraulics
Pressure regulating valves
Multi tool valves
Non return valve
Pressure maintaining valves
Solenoid actuated valves
Safety valves
Splitter nozzles
Rotary joints
Powered rotary joints